Thursday, July 19, 2012

Back In Amurica

I've been home for almost 3 weeks now, and getting here was not an easy breezy experience. Here's a play by play of my journey from Sydney to Seattle.  Pick up shuttle to airport, we thought it 34 total, funny joke its 34 per person, I have like 24 in my wallet, I think the guy felt bad for us. Longest check-in line I've ever seen, it took 2 hours to check in, Qantas's machines went down globally so no one could check in, so my flight got pushed back. Had to run to the gate because I heard the final boarding call. Made it on the flight and about 13 hours later landed in LA. Waited in a super long customs line, missed my connection and waited 5 hours in the airport for the next flight and finally made it home. Oh I got patted down in Australia, I've officially been patted down in 3 countries, I bet few other people can say that :)

Since I've been home, I've started my internship, I'm a marketing intern at a consulting firm in Seattle. I sit in a cubicle all day and do marketing things. I can't talk about what I do at work so I feel kind of like a secret agent. I celebrated the 4th of July with some of my school friends. It felt good to be at the Puge, since the 4th I've been down 2 more times. I've met my grand little and caught up with so many lovely people. I've also seen my little and my big, in case you didn't guess I'm in a sorority.

While I've seen a lot of my school family, I've also seen my real family. My mom's brother's family road tripped from their house in New Jersey to my house in Seattle. They have 3 boys and there's no DVD player in their mini van, I thought that was pretty impressive. It was fun seeing my mom's family, both my aunt and my uncle are jounalists so its always fun watching them interact with my very conservative father.

Some family friends of ours visited from Chicago for the 4th of July, we had a great time, they have two boys who are the same age as my brothers so I was the only girl. But somehow I'm old enough to be included in with the mom talk and treated more like a girlfriend, I don't know how I feel about this.

This weekend after I get paid, I have about $5 in my bank account right now so this pay check is highly anticipated. I will be going off for a ladies weekend in the San Juan Islands with my mom. I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun.
