Thursday, March 8, 2012

America's invading!


Well my week has been pretty boring, I had 6 hours of class yesterday, it was terrible. Also its decided to monsoon here, I've never missed my hunters more. Mardi Gras was pretty fun last weekend, with the exception that I'm too short to see much. But some Asian tourists took our picture, and it wasn't just once it was like 10 and the posed with us, I felt like I was some sort of Disney character. Also while we were waiting for the train a group of Aussie teenagers who overheard us talking and wanted us to keep talking because our accents were "SO CUTE!". Since we love their's so much I suppose it makes sense that they'd like ours. Also they asked me if my life was like Jersey Shore... no fortunately/unfortunately my life is nothing like Jersey Shore, and neither is most of America. We're mostly boring with the exception of some crazy political antics, sorry kiddies.

This week was pretty mellow, our neighbors had my house over for a BBQ on Tuesday night, they grilled up some tasty chicken and had salad, it was a pretty classy affair. Apparently now I owe them food, so I'm cooking up a feast for them on Saturday night. There's been requests for mashed potatoes and cheesecake, they've clearly never seen my kitchen, its not capable of much. I feel that my housemate may horde some cooking utensils though... Wednesday is the big night at the Ranch, it was back to school night, which means nerd glasses, and plaid skirts. I retired my plaid skirt after Catholic school so I had to improvise. Never has been being visually impaired worked to my advantage. Still the old men were being too creepy so I peaced out early.

Since my week has been fairly boring, lots of studying... I'm gonna tell ya whats up for the weekend, the girls in my house are going to a farm this weekend, I'm supposed to go however, JAKE SNIDER is coming to visit so I can't really peace out on him. Tonight I'm gonna chill with my housemate, I'm pretty sure we're going to cook and watch Lord of the Rings, ya I'm cool. And then tomorrow Snider gets in and we're going to the beach and then we're (probably mostly me) cooking for the Turkish army that lives next door to me.

That's about it... Later!

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