Friday, March 2, 2012

Trying but mostly failing

Since I've started classes, I'm sure that my life is going to get progressively more and more boring. So I'll keep these to a weekly thing, unless something happens.

Monday was my first day and I only have one lecture... and there are 170 kids in my class! That's huge to me! But I wasn't too overwhelmed until the prof mentioned that he's does research on multiple choice tests in order to make them harder. Multiple choice has never been my strong suit, but at least its not fill in the blank. That's actually evil...

Tuesday and Wednesday I don't have class, so I just sat around all day and pretended to be productive. My housemate and I were productive on Wednesday, we took out the recycling and did our laundry. And got ready to go to the Ranch. The Ranch if I didn't mention before the closest bar/club and its where are all the students go on Wednesday nights. I made friends with my neighbors and lets just say the night went downhill from there...

Thursday I had two lectures. I had indigenous studies in the morning... its a 100 level, and it felt very odd to be back in the beginning again. We also watched a satirical film at the end of class... it seems that we'll be doing that for almost every class. I'm not complaining. I had my first Australian Econ lecture, it was pretty interesting. Except half way through I noticed a spider hanging off the window sill. If you've met me you know that I'm terribly afraid of spiders. I had a choice... I could kill it with my notebook and make a huge noise... or I could leave it and silently freak out. I didn't wanna make a bad impression on the hottie with a body at the end of my row... so I silently freaked out the entire class.

Friday I had my three hour. 2 hour lectures are long enough... 3 hours was hell. My attention span doesn't last that long. But the class seems super interesting. My housemate made us dinner and it was super tasty!. We hopped onto the party bus and partied it up at Kings Cross. It was pretty fun.

Today my friends from Wollongong are coming up... and we're gonna hit up Mardi Gras, should be quite the fiesta!

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