Friday, March 16, 2012

A very early spring break

Ah its been quite the week... and I'm not sure where to begin... Jake got in on Saturday, I was expecting an extremely jet-lagged American, I was wrong... it was beach time. We had a bus adventure, the train was closed for repairs. We hit up Manly beach, I thought after a month in Sydney I could go sun screen free... nope I burnt like paper, and once again was a lobster troll, with better tan lines. Sunday was a nature hike which was a lot closer to my campus then I thought. Google maps said it was an hour away, maybe people crawl to get to places at Google cause it defs only took like 10-15 minutes to get there.

My attendance of lectures this week was pretty poor, good thing there's ilecture. I went to the Sydney Aquarium on Monday, We saw the BIGGEST crabs... personally I'm more scared of these things then any shark

I'm pretty sure that thing could easily snap my leg off. But I truly love fish and going to the aquarium it was like being a 5 year old in a candy store. I think Jake was equally fascinated...

Tuesday and Wednesday I don't have class, so we went down to Coogee beach to see a friend of mine from UNSW, Now I love Manly but Coogee is just better. Its smaller and its beautiful, its legit paradise. The water is blue green and the sand is white. Sorry America you have nothing on this:

That's right be jealous....

Wednesday I was domestic and made dinner for my neighbors and my housemates. I made some fried chicken. It was the first time I ever fried something and it turned out pretty well. I didn't like it but everyone else did. I was told it was better then KFC so I guess I have a future as a housewife after all. Wednesday night it was the usual Ranch shenanigans. No one got kicked out or barred entry so it was an over all success. The level of eye contact on the dance floor is still a little overwhelming for me...

Thursday is my long day, so it was lots of class and then out to Darling Harbor for dinner. It was easily the best dinner I've had since I've been here. I paid for none of it which may have made it even better. The company was pretty great as well. Darling Harbor is beautiful at night, I was a tard and forgot my camera so you'll just have to come see for yourself.

Friday, I have my 3 hour lecture. It was Jake's last night so we were going to go to King's Cross, but someone spent too much time in the sun and was too tired to go. King's Cross is kinda like Sydney's red light district. I've only been once, but I sure wanna go again. :)

Today is St. Patrick's day! And I'm off to find some green and see how the Aussies celebrate it :)

Some things I've learned the past few weeks:
Ice coffee has ice cream in it... gross
There's no such thing as drip coffee
And I have yet to meet someone that I can't pick up... maybe I'm secretly the Hulk :)

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