Sunday, March 25, 2012

It's good to leave the Village

Its week 5 or 6 of Aussieland, if this were a high school relationship we'd be moving into the serious relationship... you know facebook official that kinda thing...

But I'm not in high school, I'm in college, and I'm not in a relationship and but Oz and I are defs facebook official. And we've got a pretty solid routine going right now, Monday I have a super scary tutorial and Tuesday and Wednesday, I pretend to be productive during the day, but it really amounts in nothing. Wednesday night is the start of my weekend which usually is like a roller coaster of successes and fails... its a new pattern every week.

So Wednesday night is for the Ranch and Thursday is Ubar, I still haven't made it there... I don't know I guess Thursday isn't my night. Friday is always a toss up, this Friday me and some of the girls headed to this place in Kings Cross called "the Club", I know its a creative title. Usually I roll up in the party bus, but this week we got a lift... lift there was comfy... lift back was terrible, 5 people don't belong in the backseat of a 5 seater, ever. I've never missed my SUV more. "the Club" is a cool place, however I think I may need to move on.

Saturday was the best day tho, I went with some of my neighbors and their friends and my friend up to the Blue Mountains. it  was a day filled with mud, trash talking, lots of walking, good food and good company. The Blue Mountains are beautiful, and a great place to hike around in. There's talk of renting a house for a weekend and then climbing all around the mountains, forging our own trail... maybe we'll see a koala... or we'll die by snake bite. But I'm excited none the less....

Well I;m off to go be a hip kid and fall asleep before midnight with my hipster music playing. If you want to see pictures, then you should check my facebook. And I realized because of the blog title people probably think its some sort of porn, so sorry, but I'm no porn stat. All my photos are G rated. I would try Vegas for the reak "Thunder Down Under".

Later Gator!

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