Sunday, February 26, 2012

I'm a freshman again...

After almost 2 weeks of Australian vacation, it was finally time to start class. Since its been about two months since I've been in school, I was a little worried that I had forgotten how to do school, but I picked it right up like a champ. Granted I only have one lecture on Mondays and no class so far Tuesday and Wednesday so my classes aren't so bad. Classes meet once a week here which is pretty swell, cept the lectures are 2 hours long. My attention span doesn't really last over an hour so these 2 and 3 hour lectures are going to be a struggle.

Also I should point out that I'm covered in sweat, because its super hot and humid out and I wandered around like a freshman trying to find my class. I guess I looked pretty disorientated because people asked me if it was my first year. I have to say that despite my lack of height I'm pretty old... I'm just confused because all the buildings are some sort of letter.They break down like this:

E= east buildings
C= central buildings
W= west buildings
X= not sure... maybe extra far away

The buildings have a letter then a number so its like E7B T4... meaning east building 7B theater 4. Since I've been at a small school for the past three years I'm pretty lost and pretty confused. But luckily for me, lectures are online and I only actually have to show up two times a week for tutorial. Because you don't take attendance for a 100 person class... so we'll see how often I make it to class.

Well I'm off to go find a snack... I made some tasty enchiladas last night courtesy of the blog Tacoma Aroma Eats with an Essence of Curry... however my housemates and I had heaps of people over so unfortunately there are no leftovers... but they sure we're tasty :)

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