Tuesday, February 21, 2012

12 hour shit show

Warning this isn't parent friendly....

So I don't start class till monday... so there's not a whole lot to do other then drink and be social. So that's exactly what my housemates and I decided to do. We walked down the road to our friend patches house... in his back yard he had essentially made a goon garden. There were goon bags hanging from the terrace... it was beautiful...we went over at 2 and I didn't leave till 5... where I went home to take a nap and woke up at 8 still drunk... waking up drunk is the worst cause you wake up insanely confused, its quite uncomfortable...I grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed out into the night again...there's not really an open container law in Australia so I just left with my bottle and headed back to the goon garden....

Whether or not the goon garden was empty I'm still not sure of but the party got shut down quite quickly, it was kinda like being at the Puge all over again... we retreated to the Admin deck and launched a huge game of pong... I hate pong so I made friends instead. The cops showed up to the deck too and we got booted... I got in argument with my friend T about where to go next... it ended up w/ me losing my flip flop and both of us falling over... in which the cops yelled at me and were very insistent about me getting up... Thankfully this is only my 2nd cop encounter the first being in 1st grade... ya I started being a "G" at a young age..

After getting dragged around the east village I eventually made it back to my bed at 2am and after having some sweet pillow talk w/ my housemates and went to bed...

Some things to note...
Aussie cops are nicer then American ones
I did get my shoe back
I have no idea where any of my beverages went
And one of my housemates gave me a piggy back ride
Always make sure to practice moderation and eat and drink lots of water when consuming alcohol

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